1:1 Grief Support for Individuals Seeking to Find Joy in their Lives Again
Make it make sense.
The pain of losing someone or something from our lives can be too much to bear. Many of us tend to dance around the void to prevent further pain and tears. This only prolongs the inevitable: healing with integrity. There will never be a time where the loss disappears completely, but stepping into the void– that dark hole of hurt in our hearts– is the only way you can begin to heal.
You’re tired of the depression and sadness you feel yet you don’t know how to stop filling the void with unhealthy choices. You want to honor your loved one’s life by remembering them and celebrating their life, but you feel this heavy weight on you that is preventing you from living with joy and conviction.
You want someone to help you take control again, but you want someone to be respectful of the pain you are feeling. This is where I come in!
You’re courageous for taking the first step.
Now let’s do this next part together.
How it works:
We’ll meet weekly or biweekly in a safe and supported container, where you’ll have the opportunity to explore and process your emotions around your loss. Oftentimes, old wounds may come up during the grieving process and we’ll look at the connection between old grief and your current loss. How we physically support our bodies (i.e. the foods we eat) is also crucial to healing from our loss(es). We’ll use elements of The Grief Recovery Method, Internal Family Systems (IFS), holistic nutrition, and life coaching to help with the following:
Coming to terms with the lost hopes, dreams, and expectations surrounding your loss
Understanding which emotional parts are coming up for you (i.e. old wounds)) that are keeping you stuck
in your griefSupporting your body with the nutrition and supplements it needs while going through grief (especially helpful if you are dealing with gut issues or autoimmune disease)
Making a plan with small action steps to move forward in your own time
Trusting your intuition - you know what’s best for you
Choose from three options:
Release Your Grief Program will guide you from being stuck in your grief to:
Release Your Feelings: You’ll gain the tools to name your feelings - feelings like anger, sadness, envy, relief, guilt, or numbness - and move through them so they don’t come up again later, in a different form. The goal is to allow feelings to exist, not persist.
Release Your Unprocessed Grief: Grief gets stored in the body and, when not processed, can cause physical symptoms such as gas, bloating, food intolerances, unexplained joint pain, headaches, hormonal imbalances, and even autoimmune disease. It can also exacerbate these symptoms if you already have them. Tuning into your body can help you process your grief so that you feel symptom relief.
Release Your Expectations: Set the daily bar so low that all you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and walk over it. Take only one action per day so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. You’ll feel the forward movement, even though every fiber of your being is yelling at you to stay put.
Release Your Guilt: It’s normal to feel guilty for feeling relief. It’s also normal to feel guilty if you’re experiencing joy when you think you should be sad. You’ll gain insights on how to balance your feelings with your thoughts.
Release Your Intuition: Your intuition knows when something feels off. Listening to your intuition will help you understand your needs, learn to set boundaries with others, and say NO when it doesn’t feel right.
Release Joy in Your Life Again: You’ll learn to find glimmers of joy in your life again - a good cup of coffee, the smell of fresh flowers, or feeling your feet on the sand. And you won’t feel guilty for it.
Most importantly, release your desire to turn your pain into purpose.
8 Sessions
-8 60-minute weekly or bi-weekly sessions - We'll dive into your unprocessed grief (around any kind of loss) that may be affecting your emotional and physical health (there is a little bit of homework involved!). You’ll also get coaching to help you understand your goals and action steps to achieve them.
-Does Your Gut Have Integrity E-Cookbook ($149 value)
-How to Craft a Healthful Meal E-Book ($99 value)
-Unprocessed Grief E-Book ($99 value)
-Process Your Grief Journal ($79 value)
*Payment plans available. Option to pay by session ($250/session).
12 Sessions
-12 60-minute weekly or bi-weekly sessions - We'll dive into your unprocessed grief (around any kind of loss) that may be affecting your emotional and physical health (there is a little bit of homework involved!). You’ll also get coaching to help you understand your goals and action steps to achieve them.
-Does Your Gut Have Integrity E-Cookbook ($149 value)
-How to Craft a Healthful Meal E-Book ($99 value)
-Unprocessed Grief E-Book ($99 value)
-Process Your Grief Journal ($79 value)
*Payment plans available. Option to pay by session ($250/session).
16 Sessions
-16 60-minute weekly or bi-weekly sessions - We'll dive into your unprocessed grief (around any kind of loss) that may be affecting your emotional and physical health (there is a little bit of homework involved!). You’ll also get coaching to help you understand your goals and action steps to achieve them.
-Access to weekly Grief Group community with members-only content ($1999/year value)
-Does Your Gut Have Integrity E-Cookbook ($149 value)
-How to Craft a Healthful Meal E-Book ($99 value)
-Unprocessed Grief E-Book ($99 value)
-Process Your Grief Journal ($79 value)
*Payment plans available. Option to pay by session ($250/session).
Steph’s personal experience with grief and loss.
Healing from grief is just as important as eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and moving every day. I’ve experienced a lot of loss in my life, most specifically my father who passed in 2009, after which I didn’t eat for five months, stayed in bed all day (except for when I went to work), used a lot cannabis, and binge-watched Dexter. One of the things that stands out most about that time is that I stopped eating. I’ve always loved cooking, even consider it my art, and grieving took that away from me. I had absolutely no interest in taking care of myself. I lost 22 pounds — people would ask “Did you lose weight?” and “You look so good” and I would get so angry with them I’d literally have to ball my fists and take deep breaths so I didn’t punch them. I didn’t want to lose weight or look good; I just wanted my dad back, and my weight loss was an effect of my grief over losing him. In addition to my dad’s death, I’ve also experienced the loss of four grandparents, close friends (including one of my best friends from college), emotionally draining jobs, relationships ending (both romantic and platonic), parents’ divorce, multiple traumas, and the loss of my sense of self. All of these losses have impacted my life in various ways, but most importantly, they have held me back from being my best self.
I came across The Grief Recovery Method® when I was researching my final project at Bauman College. Everything about the Method was invigorating…especially the idea that we can recover from grief and mend our broken hearts. I had a life-changing, transformative experience upon taking the training to become a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®: after going through the Method, healing from my traumas, and saying “goodbye” to my losses, I came out a different person, one that feels lighter and more complete than I ever have before. It was a profound experience that I hope to share with others.
What to do to take care of yourself right now!
Grieving is hard. It f***ing sucks. Download this brochure to learn how to stay calm during a panic attack, and other ways to take care of yourself during this difficult time.