Fuel Your Fitness Journey: Nutrition Coaching Membership at Corefit

Unleash Your Body's Potential with Personalized Nutrition

You hit the gym regularly, push yourself during workouts, but feel like there's still another level you haven't reached. The secret weapon? Optimizing your nutrition.

At Corefit, we're excited to offer a Nutrition Coaching Membership designed to help you unlock the full potential of your fitness journey. It's not about restrictive diets or fads; it's about building healthy, sustainable habits that fuel your body, elevate your performance, calm inflammation, balance your hormones, reverse autoimmune disease, and clear any GI distress.

Why Choose Our Nutrition Coaching Membership?

  • Personalized Guidance: Our certified holistic nutritionist will create a customized nutrition plan tailored to your specific goals, dietary preferences, and lifestyle.

  • Unlock Your Energy: Learn how to eat for optimal energy levels, improved recovery, and a sharper focus, both inside and outside the gym.

  • Supplement Your Success: Discover how high-quality supplements can support your body's natural processes, enhancing your workouts and overall well-being. (Think of them as tools that optimize your foundation!)

  • Sustainable Transformation: We focus on baby steps that lead to lasting change. Our coach will guide you as you develop healthy food habits you can maintain for the long haul.

  • Support Every Step of the Way: Get ongoing support and motivation from your coach through regular check-ins, email communication, and access to our exclusive member community.

Food Habits: The Foundation of Your Health

Proper nutrition isn't just about performance in the gym; it's about investing in your overall well-being. By making smart food choices, you can:

  • Boost Your Immune System: Nutrient-rich foods keep your body strong and ready to fight off illness.

  • Improve Sleep Quality: Eating the right foods can promote deeper, more restorative sleep, leaving you feeling energized.

  • Enhance Mood and Focus: Balanced meals help regulate your blood sugar levels, leading to a sharper mind and a more positive outlook.

  • Reduce Inflammation: Certain foods can help combat inflammation, which can hinder your workouts and overall health.

  • Overcome Physical, Mental, and Emotional Distress, including:

    • Digestive issues like IBS, IBD, SIBO, bloating, acid reflux/GERD, Candida, nausea

    • Autoimmune disorders and inflammation

    • Food sensitivities and allergies

    • Metabolic syndrome and diabetes

    • Anxiety, depression, ADD, and other mood/behavioral issues

    • Fatigue/exhaustion and lack of mental clarity/brain fog

    • Reproductive health issues like hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, heavy periods, perimenopause, and menopause

Ready to Fuel Your Potential?

Join our Nutrition Coaching Membership and experience the transformative power of personalized nutrition. Our coach will be with you every step of the way, supporting you as you build a vibrant, healthy lifestyle that fuels your fitness journey and empowers you to reach your goals.

What You’ll Get with this Membership:

  • Initial Consultation: A 60-minute session where we'll go over your entire health history, from the time you were born to the present day. We’ll discuss current symptoms, anything that’s holding you back from moving forward, the vision for the life that you want, and we’ll create a customized game plan to get you there.

  • The Game Plan: You’ll receive a customized game plan that gives you small actions to take - like adding in certain nutrient-dense foods or taking a supplement geared towards calming down inflammation. We’ll set the bar so low that all you have to do is walk over it - that’s the easiest and fastest way to see your WINS!

  • Follow-up Sessions: We’ll check in either in-person or via Zoom twice a month for 30 minutes to talk troubleshooting, what's going well, what's difficult, and continue to work together to make diet and lifestyle changes.

  • Email/Voxer/Messaging Support: If you have a question or need support in between sessions, I’ll be available 9am-5pm PT, Monday-Friday. Please allow 24 hours for a response.

  • 50% off Supplements: Most of us are under chronic stress all the time. Our bodies become depleted of nutrients when this happens, and it helps to take high-quality supplements for a short amount of time to get our bodies back to baseline. Because supplements can be very expensive, I offer my wholesale discount to my clients, which is 50% off.

  • Handouts, E-books, and Other Resources: You’ll have full access to my resource guide to give you all the information you need to make the changes to be your best self.

  • Transparency with Kendra: Confidentiality is of utmost importance. Since Kendra and I are working together to support your goals, we’ll discuss any overlaps that we believe can help each other in best supporting you.


  • Initial Consultation: $120

  • Monthly Membership: $75/month

Sign up today and unlock a healthier, more energized you!

Limited spots available

About Me

I’m Stephanie, a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Grief Recovery Specialist, AIP Coach, and Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner. I work with clients to help address health imbalances caused by autoimmune diseases, hormonal issues, poor digestive health, stress, and grief.

Upon my mother’s diagnosis of Hashimoto’s in 2014, I scoured the research on how to naturally treat autoimmune diseases. This experience helped me realize that I want to help people feel like their best selves through both emotional and nutritional guidance, as well as be an active participant in reversing chronic disease, which led me to getting certified from Bauman College.

I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and have used my knowledge and foundations to begin the reversal process. I’ve dealt with my own digestive (SIBO/IBS) and hormonal issues (endometriosis) for years. I know how horrible it feels to eat most foods and always end up gassy and bloated. I know what it’s like to be in the bathroom for hours out of the day. I know what it’s like to feel like someone is ripping out your insides once a month for seven days. I deeply understand the frustration of dealing with doctors and never getting an answer. I'm also not above taking medication to regulate mental health. I tried to do without it. It didn't work. I balance meds with nutrition, mental health, and lifestyle support in a way that best suits me, and can help you do the same.

I came into this field for many reasons, including trying to understand how to address my own emotional and physical healing, but most of all, to help you gain the knowledge you need to find your path to optimal health. I look forward to working with you!

In my free time, I love to travel, eat, explore new places, work out, and meet new people. I am always looking for the next great adventure with my dog, Bounce.

If you’re interested in my full story, fun facts, and credentials, you can read about me here.