6 Digestion + Mindset Tips to Get Through the Holidays

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The holidays are OFFICIALLY here, with Thanksgiving just one week away! Our house is decorated with festive gourds, acorn and pumpkin fairy lights, lots of candles, and a roaring fire (when the weather permits). My mom is coming up next week for the second annual Papadazzo Thanksgiving where she, the in-laws, the wife, and myself will cook a 5-course feast, totaling a whopping 15 dishes (y’all know how I feel about leftovers, amirite?)! 

That’s a f***load of food. Period. Having my own digestive issues, I always need to take a step back and remember to do a few things to prepare my digestion when I know I’m going to overload it. I’m happy to share my routine to help you increase your digestive fire so you don’t feel too lethargic after your big meal.

Tips to help with digestion so you aren’t so full:

  1. Take apple cider vinegar or digestive bitters to wake up your digestive system. If you feel you’re not properly digesting your food - or just need a little help during the holidays where you know you might be eating more - taking 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar mixed in 2 oz. of water OR digestive bitters 10 minutes before your meal will help get your digestive juices flowing, and signal to your brain that you're ready to eat.

  2. Chew your food well. The digestive process starts in the mouth, where it breaks down food into smaller pieces and mixes them with salivary enzymes. Chewing signals to your body to start making digestive enzymes; it also helps your gut break down the food because it's already partially digested.

  3. Take your time and give thanks by practicing mindful eating. Sit down at a table, without distractions, thank whoever prepared this lovely meal, and spend the next 20-30 minutes enjoying the experience of eating instead of wolfing down everything without really savoring it. 20 minutes is not as long as you think – it takes that amount of time for your gut to signal to your brain that it’s had enough food. If you eat too fast, you can end up overeating, and that places additional stress on your digestive system (i.e. you will get bloated).

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I don’t know about you, but in the past, I’ve beaten myself up for eating too much sugar. I’ve gone down that rabbit hole of negativity, and I’ve worked hard over the last few years to break that cycle. Instead of feeling guilty for eating the foods you enjoy and have been looking forward to all year, here are three mindset tips to help you step into your power and enjoy your holiday meal.

  1. Give yourself permission. Don’t judge or dwell on how much you ate. Stress creates inflammation, which can lead to anxiety and depression, which may lead to reaching for more food to help yourself feel better, thus repeating the cycle. Remember, you are allowed to enjoy all the things so if you can, give yourself permission to enjoy it and try not to attach any significance to it.

  2. Build a plate full of lasting energy. If you have a food, sugar, or alcohol hangover the next day and feel depleted, fill up your plate with leftovers of healthy proteins, fats and veggies. This will help keep your blood sugar stable and keep you energized throughout the day.

  3. Move your body and stay hydrated. If the weather permits, go on a walk with family and friends after you eat to help ease your digestion. If not, the next day, try to move your body in whatever way works best for you. A walk, hike, yoga, pilates...this will enhance your mood-boosting neurotransmitters that are probably a little depleted after a night of eating sugary foods. And stay hydrated...it helps flush the system!

Since I’ll be prepping and cooking all week long, I thought to post these tips early, since they work all the time, not just during the holidays. As always, should you have any questions, feel free to reach out! 

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

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Looking for more digestion and mindset tips in your daily life? I can help with that. Click here to schedule your FREE Learn to Thrive Discovery Session!


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Stephanie Papadakis

Gut of Integrity offers holistic nutrition and wellness consulting, helping people with autoimmune disorders, cancer, digestive issues, women’s health, weight loss, and grief.


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