I see you over there, trying to be your best self.

You’re a super ambitious high achiever (yep, that’s what they’re calling it these days).

You know exactly what you want and you’re willing to put in the work to get it.

You mostly have your sh*t together, except for maybe a couple of things here and there.

I also see that...

You’ve been struggling with low-level digestive issues for years - the kind that you can’t ignore because they stop you from living the life you are meant to live.

You’re fed up with doctors for not listening to you or telling you nothing is wrong with you when you are clearly feeling distressed.

You’re f***ing stressed out all the time.

You never feel like you get a good night's sleep because you can’t turn your brain off - and feel like a brick is on your brain the next morning.

You second-guess yourself because even though you have the drive, you don’t necessarily have the confidence.

You’ve wanted to take time out of your busy life to slow down and rest, yet you haven’t been able to get there on your own, or stick with new habits long enough to see lasting change. 

I know how frustrating it can be when your body and mind aren’t in alignment...especially when you have the ambition and the willingness to give this life everything you’ve got, even after it keeps pushing you down.

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I see you...because I was you.

I was where you are for years. Like you, I knew I was destined to do big things, but I had a really hard time focusing on getting them done. I suffered from digestive issues, brain fog, depression and anxiety, and negative thought patterns. The high achiever in me tried every diet and saw many doctors, trying to get answers for my digestive issues, only to feel let down every time. I had succumbed to negatively thinking that maybe this is just how it’s supposed to be.

Until I finally found the missing link. 

It turns out I was doing all the outer, physical work - like changing my diet and exercising hard. But I wasn’t doing the inner work to calm my body and change my thought patterns - which, as it turns out - were having a direct impact on my digestive issues.

Most people are missing this piece when they make the effort to feel better. Science is showing us that the gut and the brain are more linked than ever before. If you’re not doing the inner work and only doing the outer physical work, you’re only going to get half of the change



You know EXACTLY what to eat for your body that is nourishing and energizing to give you clarity and help you stay focused throughout the day.

You feel comfortable in your body, and you’re able to eat food with those you love again, without the bloat or constipation.

You’re able to sleep soundly through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized the next day.

You’re present for others, but most importantly, you’re present for yourself. 

You’re calm, and you feel the strongest you’ve ever felt in your life. 

You have complete confidence in yourself that you can do hard things because you are able to listen to your intuition and trust your gut.

You see yourself as a complete BADASS that can take control of their life and take on the world.

You’re finally able to live the life you are meant to live!

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Here’s the low down…

I’m going to give you the tools to implement what I do with my clients every day, so you can achieve the same results for yourself...in 6 weeks time.

You’ll receive the inner and outer tools necessary to curb your digestive issues, calm your stress levels, move through your grief, and develop the habits and mindset that allow you to feel more confident, radiant, energized and connected to knowing yourself at a completely different level. You’re going to get the practical tools and accountability to see it through!

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Physical Results

  • Know the best foods to eat to give you lasting energy to get the things you want done everyday.

  • Learn how to have less bloating, constipation, and digestive discomfort so that you can eat the foods you want, when you want them.

  • Learn how to have increased mental clarity with less brain fog so you can focus on your work, your family, and yourself.

Mental Results

  • Learn easy stress management techniques so you can remain calm in chaos.

  • Unpack your grief so you can release it in ways that feel safe for you.

  • Learn how to reframe limiting beliefs with mindset tips to change thought patterns that no longer work for you.

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Emotional Results

  • Implement mindful eating strategies for when you get “hangry” so that you can give your body the energy it craves.

  • Learn how to listen to yourself and trust your intuition so you can take action.

  • Learn how to uplevel your confidence so you can step into the new year as your best self.


By the end of 6 weeks, you’ll have a new mindset, new habits, renewed energy, and a new awareness to experience deep and lasting change.

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What’s Included?

  • The LIVE 6-week coaching program, including a weekly video to learn a new concept that we will later discuss on the group coaching call

  • Weekly group coaching calls with Steph to help you implement the trainings, answer all your burning questions, and get the personalized 1:1 support you need to deep and lasting change

  • “The Ultimate Mind-Body Reset Workbook” to help hold you accountable and help you facilitate bigger breakthroughs throughout the program

  • Ongoing group + community support in a warm + welcoming space, with a private online forum to keep you motivated throughout the week

  • Gut Healing Recipe Book with 16 easy recipes (all gluten-, dairy-, and nut-free) that won’t make you feel like sh*t

  • “Unprocess Your Grief” Journal with 15 prompts to help unpack your grief and help you thrive⠀

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You’re protected with our 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee!

This program has the power to profoundly change your life. I’m confident that if you do the work, you’ll get tremendous value. If you join The Ultimate Mind-Body Reset, watch the trainings, participate in the Q&A Calls and group feedback, implement and complete the action steps and don’t see results, I will provide extra coaching support to further help you or issue you a 100% refund if I decide I cannot help you successfully.

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  • I don’t have a lot of time. Will this still work for me? This group is for people who are committed to doing the work and putting in the time to get it done. You can expect to spend 2-4 hours per week - videos + coaching calls + solo work like journaling, processing, etc. That’s equivalent to mindlessly scrolling, watching two movies, or 4 hour-long TV episodes! 

  • Do I have to do the inner work in order to get the results I want? The short answer is yes. It’s hard to look inside and accept that things need to change - but you’ll have the support of the group to help you get through.

  • Investing in myself is a stretch for me right now - can I do a payment plan? Yes! In fact many folx opt for the payment plan. You can get started and get access to all the bonuses for just $125/month! 

  • I’ve done group coaching programs in the past; what makes this program different? I’ve been there myself. I find the programs that have the most impact and move the needle are those that are specific to how you want to feel when you finish AND are delivered by someone who has gotten where you want to go themselves. Hand-holding is necessary. This is a small group, you won’t get lost or forgotten here. This is a GAME CHANGER. Proven tactics – tailored specifically to what you’re going through. No hiding out. No getting left behind. That’s what will help you go further faster and make this an investment that easily pays for itself. 

  • I’m hoping to lose weight. Will this program tell me how to do that? This is not a weight-loss program. This is for people who are looking to transform their habits and break free of old patterns to create new ones. This program will help you learn how to balance your blood sugar and eat to help your body thrive. Weight loss can be a side effect of this, but it’s not the primary goal.

  • Is this program plant-based? No, this program will recommend foods of both the plant and animal variety.

  • Is this a grief group or how is it different from a grief group? This is not a grief group. This group is rooted in science and shares practical steps for moving through grief. 

  • I don’t really want to share about my grief/I’m not ready to share about my grief. Is this the right group for me? This group is a warm, welcoming, and safe space for you to share how much or how little you want. It’s ok if you don’t want to share a particular trauma or something that’s going on, but this is for people who want to step out of their comfort zone and find healing in that. It’s incredibly powerful when you are able to share; however, everyone will share to the point with which they are comfortable. If you aren’t willing at all to participate in the group discussion, this probably isn’t the right fit for you.


If you’ve read this far, you’re getting a gut feeling.

So much of nutrition is tied up in how we feel about ourselves. So many of us have deep-rooted issues around food and body image, and also around foods that comfort us, but have made us sick for years. And so much of getting healthy is tied into working through the traumas that cause the disconnect between our guts and our brains, and getting to the place where self-love, self-compassion, and self-respect are at the forefront of a positive mindset.

When we turn inward, and look deeper into what’s been holding us back - whether it’s fear, anger, resentment, exhaustion, or unprocessed grief - that’s when everything starts to change. That’s when we begin to trust our intuition and listen to our bodies again.

That’s the literal definition of listening to your gut! And the fastest way to feeling your best in 2021.


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